
Work = Time * Speed

时间是固定的,所以要收获更多,需要提高速度 / 效率.






  • Act Proactive: They take time to formulate their responses to situations
    they find themselves in rather than simply making knee-jerk reactions to
  • Begin with the End in Mind: They visualize the desired results and then
    take the steps necessary to achieve them.
  • Put First Things First: As the masters of time management and
    organization, they successfully prioritize their tasks to reach their goals.
  • Think Win/Win: They seek accords and results that are mutually satisfying
    to everyone involved rather than simply seeking to triumph at any cost.
  • Seek First to Understand, and Then Be Understood: They practice
    “empathic listening” whereby they listen to others with the intention of
    understanding what others are saying, rather than preparing a reply to it.
  • Synergize: They practice creative cooperation whereby they remain
    open to new possibilities, alternatives, and options.
  • Sharpen the Saw: They practice principles of balanced self-renewal that
    enable them to reenergize themselves physically, mentally, socially, and

Getting Things Done

  • Collect: This stage involves using your own preferred tools to accumulate
    all of the stuff in your professional and personal lives that you consider
    incomplete or requiring some sort of change.
  • Process: This stage involves determining the relative importance of
    all the stuff you identify as incomplete and deciding what steps are
    required to make them complete.
  • Organize: This stage involves deciding where to store all the stuff that
    you determine still needs completing.
  • Review: This stage involves routinely reviewing (Allen usually recommends
    on a weekly basis) all the stuff that you still identify as incomplete.
  • Do: This stage involves deciding whether or not the stuff you see as
    incomplete is worth taking up now or at some later time.



  • Do It: You perform the action if you estimate that you can complete it
    within two minutes or less (Allen’s two-minute rule).
  • Delegate It: You send it to someone else on the team if you determine
    that you’re not the best person to undertake the action.
  • Defer It: You place it in a Someday or Snooze file if you determine that
    you need more information to do it or it will take longer than a couple of
  • Delete it: If you read a message (or its preview lines, if you view your
    e-mail messages using Messages with AutoPreview as your current Mail
    view) and find that it clearly falls into the junk category, move it into
    your Deleted Items folder by pressing the Delete key.
